Divendres, 26 de Desembre
Bàsquet Americà a Barcelona!
Viu l’experiència del Basketball Made in USA a Barcelona i comparteix-la amb joves jugadors i jugadores de més de 10 nacionalitats. Millora el teu bàsquet amb entrenadors/es nord/americans i potencia la teva condició física i la prevenció de lesions amb els professionals de Global Performance.
T’oferim el millor regal de Nadal!
Edats: Nens, nenes i joves dels 9 als 18 anys.
L'últim dia acaba a la 1:00 PM.
- 9:00 AM – Entrenament
- 11:00 AM – Show Time & Cerimònia de Cloenda (oberta a pares i amics)
- 5% de descompte en el cas de participar-hi amb les teves germanes, germans o jugadors/es del teu mateix Club.
- 5% de descompte si aquest és el teu segon Campus.
- 10% de descompte si aquest és el teu tercer Campus.
- 15% de descompte si aquest és el teu quart Campus.
- 20% de descompte si aquest és el teu cinquè o més Campus Offlimits.
* Els descomptes s’apliquen abans d’impostos.
** Els descomptes no són acumulatius.
*** El descompte màxim possible abans d’impostos serà del 25%.
** Els descomptes no són acumulatius.
*** El descompte màxim possible abans d’impostos serà del 25%.
26 - 31 de Desembre, 2025
Horari diari
09:00 - 16:00
Poliesportiu Josep Comellas Carrer de Neptú 6, Gràcia, 08006
60 assistents
Política de cancel·lació
Cancelation, failure to attend and / or withdrawal from the Programme by participant
If the participant decides to cancel the contracted Programme BCN & NYC Experience, S. L must be informed in writing. The client will have the right to a refund of a percentage of the quantity paid depending on the circumstances. However, they must pay and BCN & NYC Experience, S. L. could retain the amount corresponding to the costs incurred by BCN & NYC Experience, S. L., amongst which are any costs which may have been incurred by BCN & NYC Experience, S. L. up to that time Including but not limited to: payment to third parties who take part in the Programme, including the Programme, the accommodation costs, airlines, insurers and telephone calls, as well as any other infrastructure or logistical expenses incurred. The percentage of the total fee of the Programme retained and charged to the client varies according to the date when the cancellation is made:
- 20% of the total fee for the Programme if cancellation is made between January 1st and June 30th 2025.
- 40% of the total fee for the Programme if cancellation is made between July 1st and September 30th 2025.
- 60% of the total fee for the Programme if cancellation is made between October 1st and 31st 2025.
- 75% of the total fee for the Programme if cancellation is made between November July 1st and 30th 2025.
- 100% of the total fee for the Programme if cancellation is made between December 1st and 26th 2025 or in the case of no show.
The administration costs will be paid .to BCN & NYC Experience, S. L., and as such will not be returned except in the case of a cancellation insurance policy having been taken out.
The client will not be reimbursed if he / she leaves the course after beginning, either of their own choice or that of their parents or legal guardians, or are expelled.
These penalties will not occur if the client cancels because of unforeseen circumstances.
Irrespective of when the cancellation is made, the client must accept, always and in all cases, that they must pay for the airline ticket when this has already been issued and it is impossible for this to money be refunded, regardless of whether the client takes action against the company that issued the ticket
Des de
500,00 €
Camp de dia
500,00 €
Pensió completa
1.150,00 €
Des de 500,00 €